config ZTE F609

----Creat VLAN di OLT----
Note. VLAN 2409
GPON02-D7-SON#config ter
GPON02-D7-SON(config)#vlan 2409
GPON02-D7-SON(config-vlan)#name VLAN_WIFI_ID
GPON02-D7-SON(config-vlan)#desc VLAN_WIFI_ID
----Allow VLAN di PORT UP-LINK OLT----
Note. PORT UP-LINK OLT 1/9/3
GPON02-D7-SON(config)#int gei_1/19/3
GPON02-D7-SON(config-if)#switch vlan 2409 tag
----Register ONT ke OLT----
Note. Jumlah ONT yang sudah ter-register di port OLT 1/3/1 --> 2 ONT/ONU ONT
selanjutnya 3 ( onu 3 )
GPON02-D7-SON(config)#int gpon-olt_1/3/1
GPON02-D7-SON(config-if)#onu 3 type ZTEG-F660 sn ZTEG7001D34C vport-mode
----Config Interface ONT/ONU----
Note. aktifasi DATIN ( ASITNET/VPN IP/ VLAN 2409 dgn Profile BW. UP-
140M dan traffic downstream DOWN-200M
GPON02-D7-SON(config)#int gpon-onu_1/3/1:3
GPON02-D7-SON(config-if)#name WICOR-KOP
GPON02-D7-SON(config-if)#desc WICOR-KOP
GPON02-D7-SON(config-if)#sn-bind enable
GPON02-D7-SON(config-if)#vport-mode gemport def-map-type 1:1
GPON02-D7-SON(config-if)#tcont 1 name WICOR-KOP profile UP-140M
GPON02-D7-SON(config-if)#tcont 1 gap mode2
GPON02-D7-SON(config-if)#gemport 1 name WICOR-KOP unicast tcont 1 dir both
queue 1
GPON02-D7-SON(config-if)#gemport 1 traffic-limit upstream default downstream
GPON02-D7-SON(config-if)#switchport mode hybrid vport 1
GPON02-D7-SON(config-if)#service-port 1 vport 1 user-vlan 2409 vlan 2409
----Config ONT/ONU----
Note. Layanan aktif di PORT ETH. 1 ONT
GPON02-D7-SON(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_1/3/1:3
GPON02-D7-SON(gpon-onu-mng)#service WICOR-KOP gemport 1 vlan 2409
GPON02-D7-SON(gpon-onu-mng)#vlan port eth_0/1 mode tag vlan 2409
GPON02-D7-SON(gpon-onu-mng)#dhcp-ip ethuni eth_0/1 from-internet
GPON02-D7-SON(gpon-onu-mng)#exit GPON02-D7-SON(config)#exit
----Simpan Config----
----cek VLAN Layanan----
GPON02-D7-SON(config)#sho vlan 2409
----Cek Status Layanan----
Note. Cek layanan berdasarkan Vlan
GPON02-D7-SON(config)#sho mac vlan 2409
Note. Ceklayanan berdasrkan int ONT
GPON02-D7-SON(config)#sho mac gpon onu gpon-onu_1/3/3:2
================= Y A N G S E R I N G D I G U N A K A N ============
----Cek ONT Yang Belum Ter-Register----
Note. ONT Terpasang di PORT OLT 1/3/1
GPON02-D7-SON(config)#sho gpon onu uncfg gpon-olt_1/3/1
----Cek ONT Yang Ter-Register----
GPON02-D7-SON(config)#sho gpon onu state gpon-olt_1/3/6
----CEK Status ONT/ONU----
GPON02-D7-SON(config)#sho gpon onu state gpon-olt_1/3/6
----CEK SN ONT/ONU----
GPON02-D7-SON(config)#sho gpon onu base gpon-olt_1/2/5
----Cek Config Interface ONT/ONU----
sho run int gpon-onu_1/2/5:10
----Cek Config ONT/ONU----
show onu running config gpon-onu_1/2/5:10
----cek Mac layanan di port :
sho mac gpon onu gpon-onu_1/2/5:10
---Cek Status Layanan VOIP (SIP) di ONT----
GPON02-D7-SON(config)#show gpon remote-onu voip-linestatus gpon-onu_1/2/5:10
==== utk liat apakah di ontsdh dpt ip ims atau tdk
sho gpon remote-onu ip-host gpon-onu_1/2/5:9
=========utk liat interface wifi
GPON01-D7-OSP#sho gpon remote-onu interface wifi gpon-onu_1/3/6:20
========= utk hilangkan vlan lama di interface
interface gpon-onu_1/2/7:32 no switc vlan 2664 vp 2
================= END Y A N G S E R I N G D I G U N A K A N ============
----- utk liat mac address yg lagi menggunakan vlan
GPON02-D7-KPG#sho mac vlan 3003
====== register manual ONT ZTE =====
config ter int gpon-olt_1/7/5 onu 1 type ZTEG-F660 sn ZTEGC03A28C9 vport-mode
========utk hilangkan registrasi mis : di port 1/2/7:19 ========
config ter
int gpon-olt_1/3/6
no onu 20
==========Ganti ONT tanpa Harus Config Ulang============
GPON02-D7-SON(config)#interface gpon-onu_1/5/1:21
GPON02-D7-SON(config-if)#registration-method sn ZTEGC01C9725
==============OLT ZTE comand utk melihat adakah cust yg saat ini online live
Show igmp dynamic-member mvlan 110
----CEK Rx Power ONT----
Note. Max -25 dbm
GPON02-D7-SON(config)#sho pon power onu-rx gpon-onu_1/2/4:15
----Cek Jarak Lokasi----
GPON02-D7-SON(config)#sho gpon onu distance gpon-onu_1/2/2:10
===config int utk voice saja
config ter
interface gpon-onu_1/3/8:27
tcont 2 name VOIP profile UP-1M
gemport 2 name VOIP unicast
tcont 2 dir both switchport mode hybrid vport 2
switchport vlan 847 tag vport 2
====== config voice
config ter
pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_1/5/4:24
voip protocol sip
flow 2 switch switch_0/1
flow mode 2 tag-filter vid-filter untag-filter discard
flow 2 priority 0 vid 847 gemport 2
flow 2 switchport-bind switch_0/1 iphost 2 ip-host 2 dhcp-enable true pingresponse
true traceroute-response true vlan-filter-mode iphost 2 tag-filter
vid-filter untag-filter discard vlan-filter iphost 2 priority 0 vid 847 sipagent
1 proxy-server outbound-proxy primary-dns tcpudp-port 5060 host 2 sip-agent 1 rereg-starttime 3
sip-user pots_0/1 sip-agent 1 user-aor +623808438175 password dNYnJsTVQH
======= Config agar Antar ONT bisa Ping dalam 1 GPON
security user-communication svlan xxx
============= cek bandwith drop ZTE
1. cek dulu konfigurasi interfacenya
sho run int gpon-onu_1/2/2:8
2. masuk interfacenya utk hapus
GPON01-D7-OSP#config ter
GPON01-D7-OSP(config)#interface gpon-onu_1/2/2:8
GPON01-D7-OSP(config-if)#port-location format china-telecom vport 4
GPON01-D7-OSP(config-if)#pppoe-plus disable vport 4
GPON01-D7-OSP(config-if)#dhcp-option82 disable vport 2
GPON01-D7-OSP(config-if)#ip access-group USEETV in vport
4>>>>>>pasang mac filter STB kemudian masuk ke konfigurasi ONU
GPON01-D7-OSP(config)pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_1/2/2:8 reboot exit exit wr
=== cek profile OLT ==
profile download sho run | inc profile traffic
====kalau live TV tdk jalan Username:tenoss Password:
GPON02-D7-KPG#con t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CTRL/Z.
GPON02-D7-KPG(config)#igmp mvlan 110 receive-port gpon-onu_1/7/5:1 vport 4
== profile downstream
GPON02-D7-KPG#sho run | inc profile traffic
== profile upstream
sho run | inc profile tcont
==== utk tambah profile up and down ==>
config ter ==>
gpon GPON02-D7-KPG(config)#profile traffic DOWN-30720K sir 30720 pir 30720 kk


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